Clinical Forensic Psychology Evaluations
What is a Clinical Forensic Psychologist?
A Clinical Forensic Psychologist is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who specializes in the interface between Psychological issues and the legal system. A Clinical Forensic Psychologist will often assist judges and attorneys in the justice system and offer expert witness testimony in relation to Psychological issues.
Who is Qualified to Conduct a Forensic Psychology Evaluation?
A Clinical Forensic Neuropsychological evaluation can only be done by a Clinical Psychologist who has had specialized training and experience in the field, which includes:
- Formal coursework during graduate school in Clinical Forensic Psychology.
- Predoctoral training (1 year) in Psychology and Forensic Issues.
- Ph.D. or Psy.D in Clinical Psychology with related clinical training.
What is a Forensic Psychology Evaluation?
A Clinical Forensic Evaluation will consist of a standard Psychological or Neuropsychological evaluation (i.e. intelligence, academic achievement, attention/concentration, language, learning/memory, executive functioning, fine motor coordination/manual dexterity, emotion, behavior, and personality) using standardized measures, which will be applied to legal standards. A comprehensive Forensic evaluation could include Forensic Civil Law, Forensic Criminal Law, and Forensic Correctional/Police Psychology. Due to the nature of these cases, it is important to properly assess for effort, motivation, response bias and consistency in all forensic evaluations.
At Neurobehavioral Sciences, we understand that the interfacing of Psychology and the Law has not been an easy alliance. However, mental health issues and experts have become an important part of the legal process. Judges and attorneys who practice any area of law are likely to have cases that are complicated by mental health-related issues. Neurobehavioral Sciences is dedicated to providing comprehensive, objective and understandable forensic evaluations related to a wide range of psycholegal issues.
- Personal Injury Evaluations
- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Evaluations
- Workers Compensation
- Disability Claims
- Forensic Consultation
- Competency to Stand Trial Evaluations
- Sanity/State of Mind Evaluations
- Downward Departure Evaluations
- Substance Abuse Evaluations
- Death Penalty and Sentencing Evaluations
- Violence and Domestic Violence Risk Assessment
- Battered Spouse Evaluation
- Competency to Waive Miranda Evaluation/False Confessions
- Competency to Testify Evaluations
- Sex Offender Evaluations
- Forensic Consultation
- Conservatorship & Guardianship
- Criminal Profiling
- Crisis Management/Hostage Negotiation Training
- Fitness for Duty Evaluations
- Pre-employment Evaluations
- Case Consultation
Clinical Forensic Psychology Resources
General – Legal Professionals
- American Bar Association
- American Judicature Society – Model Code
- Specialty Guidelines for Forsenic Psychologists
- American Academy of Psychiatry and Law
- National Protocol for Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examinations
- Practice Guidelines for Forensic Psychiatrists Competency to Stand Trial Evaluations
Sexual Abuse
- Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers – Code of Ethics
Mental Health/Forensic Websites
- American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC)
Forensic Articles/Literature
- HIPPA and Forensic Practice
- Interviewing Children
- ABA Study: State Death Penalty Systems Deeply Flawed
- Assessment of Older Adults with Diminished Capacity: Handbook for Lawyers