Types of Evaluations:
We offer Clinical Neuropsychological, Forensic, and Psychoeducational Evaluations. Click on Evaluation type for a full description:
Clinical Neuropsychology Evaluations
A neuropsychological evaluation is a comprehensive assessment of cognitive, behavioral and emotional abilities using a standardized test battery. Various mental functions are systematically tested.
> Click here for a full description of Clincal Neuropsychology Evaluations and Resources
Clinical Forensic Psychology Evaluations
A Clinical Forensic Evaluation will consist of a standard Psychological or Neuropsychological evaluation (i.e. intelligence, academic achievement, attention/concentration, language, learning/memory, executive functioning, fine motor coordination/manual dexterity, emotion, behavior, and personality) using standardized measures, which will be applied to legal standards. A comprehensive Forensic evaluation could include Forensic Civil Law, Forensic Criminal Law, and Forensic Correctional/Police Psychology. Due to the nature of these cases, it is important to properly assess for effort, motivation, response bias and consistency in all forensic evaluations.
> Click here for a full description of Clincal Forensic Psychological Evaluations and Resources
Clinical Psychoeducational Evaluations
A private Psychoeducational evaluation usually occurs after parents have witnessed their child struggling in many aspects of life, including academic achievement. Perhaps parents have sought services through the school district and are seeking additional information, guidance or support. A thorough Psychoeducational evaluation report details their child’s strengths, weaknesses, and neurological development. Aside from determining if their child has been “diagnosed” with a learning issue, test findings often detail important information about a child’s natural learning style, detailed by specific strengths and weaknesses. Neurobehavioral Sciences can offer assessments to explain that “the testing showed us that you are very smart. You just have a problem with your attention.” After so much frustration, or self-loathing, it is very powerful for a child to hear a Neuropsychologist reinforce that they are smart and capable, and back it up with objective evidence. There may actually be a neurological basis for challenges that are mistakenly construed as “lack of motivation” or “just lazy.” This can impact self-esteem, coping behaviors, and their relationships with friends and family. Many of these issues can be resolved if an assessment is conducted and an appropriate course of action is identified.
> Click here a full description of Clinical Pyschoeducational Evaluations and Resources