Frequently Asked Questions

How long will the appointment last?

The answer to this question depends on the reason for evaluation, the patient's medical history, and complexity of the individual case. Appointments generally range in duration from four to eight hours. Before an appointment, we will ask you to complete some history and registration forms. These forms may be downloaded from this web site, or we will mail them directly to you. Completing these forms in advance will help your doctor prioritize the time you spend in our office. 

Does Neurobehavioral Sciences file claims with insurance companies? 

As a patient, you have the responsibility for filing the claim and your insurance company will pay you directly. However, Neurobehavioral Sciences will provide you with the appropriate paperwork, including a description of the service, date of service, evaluation procedure code, a listing of all tests administered, time required for the evaluation, and the diagnosis code. Check with your insurance provider about your coverage for specific information. Payment for all services (evaluation and therapy) is expected at the time of the first appointment.

How quickly will I receive the results? 

Evaluation results are typically completed within 2-3 weeks. 

What will be done to protect my privacy?

Information that we receive in the course of patient care is kept strictly confidential. No information is released to a third party without a patient's explicit authorization, except in the following circumstances. The law requires psychologists to:

  1. Report any disclosure or evidence of physical or sexual abuse of a child to authorities.
  2. Report any abuse of an elderly or disabled person to authorities.
  3. Report the probability of imminent physical injury to the patient or others.
  4. Respond to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal proceedings or statues requiring disclosures.

Please ask the doctor if you have any questions regarding the limits of confidentiality.